Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Story of 3 Doctors

There is a urologist named Dr. Mohr, who God used to save our daughter's kidneys. He is a talented man and a humble man and we thank him for his services to us. Whitley is to be monitored by him for the rest of her life. In the spring we do a lasix renalgram and in the fall, an ultrasound. Tuesday evening Whit went in for her regular check up on her kidney. We anticipate a good result in a few weeks! We'll share the good new when we find out!

There is another doctor named Dr. Tanzanelli. She will be performing surgery on Jamie July 28th. About a year ago a cat scan revealed a pedunculated tumor. It has now grown out of control and taken over 2 of my organs, so it needs to be removed. I am feeling great but do experience back pain as it is pinching on the nerves in my back. I should be up and around in 3-4 weeks after the operation.

Today we rented a Rug Doctor. We shampooed all the carpets, area rugs, furniture, drapes and the 3 cars. Whew! Perhaps we may be adding to our collection of doctors for our aches and pains when all is done! Let's hope not. Maybe a Dr. Pepper will hit the spot when we are through!

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