Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Prayer Request for Whitley

{The Photo above is an original MRI before Whit's surgery. You can see how much bigger her left kidney is than her right kidney..,about 6 x's the size of her right kidney. Don't forget that her left side is viewd as your right.}

Well, we were hopeful to share some good news with you about Whitley's kidneys, but we just got a call this morning from her urologist. The urologist feels that the kidney looks pretty good, but the radiologist hotly contests his remarks. The only way to solve this is to send her back to Nuclear Medicine, which we were hoping to avoid, so thge repeated radiation does not fry her ovaries. This test clearly reveals function and will settle the dispute between the two doctors readings. We are staying calm for many reasons: 1) The radiologist that read this film did not have a comparison film to show how her kidney looked before the surgery vs. after/now, and Dr. Mohr, our urologist, does. 2) I think that our urologist, who happens to have over 27 years experience, knows what he is talking about over the radiologist 3) we've seen prayer help us before and so we are relying on that once again to take it one day at a time and accept the outcome. The Nuc. Med. scheduler was supposed to call back today because she was unsure as to whether to schedule her at Children's Hospital or Franklin Med. Ctr. We should hear more tomorrow.

We thank you in advance for thinking of us, sending us good thoughts and keeping us in your prayers!

Love-The Rocky Mtn. Ramblers

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