Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Rollercoaster: Weather, Schedule, Emotions

WEATHER: Slush, puddles of water, and SNOW, lots of it! This is the fourth time in a month that the weather has went from an 80 plus degree day to below freezing with snow. All my beautiful floral hanging baskets swere stiff with cold and flocked with nature's powder,my patio cushions were still on the chairs, my annuals were beaming with colorful smiles from their assigned seats, and now, the earth, or atleast my house anyway, is once again covered with snow! This time though, it's depressing. I don't want to put my flip flops back in the closet or dig out my snow boots and ski coats. Iwas truly ready for nice, warm weather!

SCHEDULE: Spending 2 hours to shovel my drive always throws a kink in my schedule. The snow blower is impossible with the wet, spring snows; it clogs it up like a snow cone maker! I have been busy today filling out scholarship paperwork. However, one scholarship wants to know my schedule for Spring 09 so that took a little thinking; I thought I was doing good just having my summer and fall schedule done! In between, the washer spins, the brownies bake and I need to come up with a 50's outfit for Whit's Spring concert in the next 5 hours. Hmmmm.

I just completed my online registration for the state convention and congressional assembly this Friday & Saturday. I made my reservations a few days ago and we are staying at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. John & Whit are along for the ride and will be sure to enjoy the sites and indoor pool.

I am touching up some paint today and we plan to move back in to our bedroom tonight; we are excited to get the house back in order and have some free time to enjoy ourselves!

This is my full work week and this Friday is supposed to be Field Day at school...uhummm, providing this SNOW melts!!! I did hear it supposed to be 80 by Sunday again; we'll see.

EMOTIONS: I am very happy as I finished my last exam last night and in good time. It is really a great feeling to accomplish and overcome something hard!

This year I made some new discoveries about myself and I am surprised to learn how much I love Math, Chemistry and Botany. I took a recent profiling test and it said Pharmacology would be great for me. Hmmm...that would only leave me 5 years of school to finish a doctorate vs. 8 more for anesthesiology. Time wise it is tempting, but I dread "retail" and worry if I would get enough hands time on helping people to really be satisfied. I have 1 more year before I really need to decide, so hopefully,by then, I'll know exactly which direction I want to go in!

I am excited about the convention but admit I have some intrepidation about hate crimes occuring. I pray for safety and a positive learning experience over the weekend.

Well, I guess I need to go arrange some more snow so I'll ramble on another day!

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