Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Hobby

Whitley's first floral painting
Jamie's first ceramic painting

Art has always been a fun outlet for me. I don't care what it is: crafting, crocheting, scrapbooking, stamping, chalks, oils, watercolor, you name it's fun !
Recently, I started dinking around with single stroke painting of flowers. It is really a surprise to see how two colors will pull through with each stroke. No brush strokes are the same. Mums are a great flower to start with and a simple stem and leaf.
Tonight, two accomplishements occured......I painted my first ceramic piece and Whitley decided to learn. For a lefty, she did great. She was very strong with the petal part of the flower but she felt the leaf was challenging...and she's right; it is!
So, enjoy our first two pieces. Maybe in a year, we might improve, but atleast it is fun along the way.

Prayer Request for Whitley

{The Photo above is an original MRI before Whit's surgery. You can see how much bigger her left kidney is than her right kidney..,about 6 x's the size of her right kidney. Don't forget that her left side is viewd as your right.}

Well, we were hopeful to share some good news with you about Whitley's kidneys, but we just got a call this morning from her urologist. The urologist feels that the kidney looks pretty good, but the radiologist hotly contests his remarks. The only way to solve this is to send her back to Nuclear Medicine, which we were hoping to avoid, so thge repeated radiation does not fry her ovaries. This test clearly reveals function and will settle the dispute between the two doctors readings. We are staying calm for many reasons: 1) The radiologist that read this film did not have a comparison film to show how her kidney looked before the surgery vs. after/now, and Dr. Mohr, our urologist, does. 2) I think that our urologist, who happens to have over 27 years experience, knows what he is talking about over the radiologist 3) we've seen prayer help us before and so we are relying on that once again to take it one day at a time and accept the outcome. The Nuc. Med. scheduler was supposed to call back today because she was unsure as to whether to schedule her at Children's Hospital or Franklin Med. Ctr. We should hear more tomorrow.

We thank you in advance for thinking of us, sending us good thoughts and keeping us in your prayers!

Love-The Rocky Mtn. Ramblers

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Story of 3 Doctors

There is a urologist named Dr. Mohr, who God used to save our daughter's kidneys. He is a talented man and a humble man and we thank him for his services to us. Whitley is to be monitored by him for the rest of her life. In the spring we do a lasix renalgram and in the fall, an ultrasound. Tuesday evening Whit went in for her regular check up on her kidney. We anticipate a good result in a few weeks! We'll share the good new when we find out!

There is another doctor named Dr. Tanzanelli. She will be performing surgery on Jamie July 28th. About a year ago a cat scan revealed a pedunculated tumor. It has now grown out of control and taken over 2 of my organs, so it needs to be removed. I am feeling great but do experience back pain as it is pinching on the nerves in my back. I should be up and around in 3-4 weeks after the operation.

Today we rented a Rug Doctor. We shampooed all the carpets, area rugs, furniture, drapes and the 3 cars. Whew! Perhaps we may be adding to our collection of doctors for our aches and pains when all is done! Let's hope not. Maybe a Dr. Pepper will hit the spot when we are through!

Monday, May 19, 2008


It is hard to say when we will complete the final two phases of the remodel. We are all ready to take a break away from our labors and the dust. It is so good to be back into a real bedroom with clothes hanging on hanger in a real closet and not living out of boxes!
This weekend, we plan to move the office out of the basement and up into the open loft area. Before we do that, John needs to lift the carpet and subfloor in the loft to run some wiring so Whitley can have an overhead light and ceiling fan in her bedroom, which is directly below the loft.
The final two phases of this remodel consist of: 1- hardwood floors upstairs, built in floor to ceiling bookcases in the loft 2-heading back to the kitchen and converting what was the old laundry into a pantry and a space to build in the side by side fridge. Where the fridge once was, will be a work station for the laptop, paying bills, phonebooks.
Until then we plan to rest well at night in our new master bedroom!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Christening

Today was a special day for our foster daugther. We were so honored to stand up with her family and witness them dedicate her to God.
The picture above is John lighting a candle for her. We promised to pray for her, teach her about God and encourage her faith so that like a candle, her light would shine for all the world to see.
Her aunt & I were to hold her as she was sprinkled with water over the "fount", which means womb. It is a symbol of the "second birth", which occurs outside the mother's womb. The pastor explained that although she was born into the sin of Adam & Eve, she now would become a "new creation".
The top picture is of both sides of the family: Sean and his parents and siblings and Kim, with her parents and siblings, and of course of John Whit & I, which they have made us feel like part of the family!
May God bless this precious little girl and may she draw close to her Lord, follow Him and honor Him all the days of her life!

The Democratic State Convention

Friday night we arrived in Colorado Springs. It was quite the rush as we raced home from field day, loaded up, made the 90 mile drive. Delegates could do early sign in up until 7pm. By the time we arrived, I had 5 minutes to spare. I whipped through the line in 10 minutes and was good to go for the next morning. I heard had I been about 30 minutes earlier, I would have been in line for a couple of hours. I guess being down to wire has some advantages from time to time.

Saturday morning I arrived at the World Arena around 7:30am. There was a heavy presence of police, although not exactly sure why. I think it was a lot of hype. John & Whit dropped me off and went back to the hotel to swim and lounge around.

I circled around the arena to take my place in a line nearly a mile long, only to find out that it was for the alternates. I then proceeded to a much shorter, fast moving line; how nice! Once inside, hecklers and kiosks showed off their Democratic "wares". For $12, finger puppets featured Bush, Cheney, Rice in a box titled "Axis of Evil". For $4 you could purchase a bumper sticker that said "I believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and an Honest Republican". Needlesss, to say, a conservative Dem like me had no interest in such goods. However, a gentleman carrying iced cold beverages did catch my attention...especially when I said "How much?" and he said "$4.oo" for a 12 ounce drink. WOW!!

I took my seat in the area marked "Jefferson" for the county I reside in. It took awhile to find my floor captain amongst 10,000 plus people, but eventually we caught up. I sat next to some really nice "Hillary" supporters (even though I'm an Obama gal) and I think we all enjoyed each others company.

The day drug on with all the "big whigs" making their speeches and endorsements, a big platform was for Mark Udall as he accepted the nomination for US Senate. Delgate hopefuls for the Nation Convention (held in Denver in Aug.) worked the crowds and solicited fliers asking for our vote.

I decided early on that it mattered not if I was to make it to the nationals. I concluded that I had participated in a civic duty and and was obliged to participate in the voting process, but concluded that I do not eat, drink, breathe this stuff. Some of these folks volunteered 20 hours a day for the last two weeks to make this moment possible and they were the ones who deserved to go to the Nationals.

The day drew to a close around 5pm when the actual voting began to take place. John & Whit picked me up, we headed back to the hotel and there I promptly "crashed".

I awoke a little before 9pm and we ordered a delicious pizza pie! Now there's something Democrats and Republicans can all agree on...agghhh, that's more like it!

Life on the RUN!

Whitley doign thee "Jamaica Jog"
The same three "Peas in a Pod"

1/2 of the 5th grade class

All the girls in 5th grade~~~

Friday morning we awoke early to a light dusting of snow over the grass. Overhead, the skies were an ominous grey and the clouds were swollen with precipitation. Still, we loaded the cooler with water bottles, sub-sandwiches and picnic materials and headed off to the fields.
I was in charge of the "distance" station. My job was to teach the kids where to run, how many times around, and explain to them how to pace their bodies, breathing techniques, and timing them with a stop watch. Although a slight dread came from some of the students, they were thankful to run off the chill of the early morning when they completed their run.
Since there were many events set up in and around the field, I ran ahead of the younger kids so they would know exactly where to go. 6th grade on up, ran a whole mile...they were on their own. All in all, I got about three miles in that day....and I now declare that my running season is back in commission! (I will admit I was a little sore the following day).
Whitley had a great time and took 2 firsts, 1 second and 1 fourth place. Like her Mom, she is a distance runner and found that she did not do as well on the short distances. It was great watching the kids learn about their body's rhythms and strengths!
At noon, the sun began to burn off the morning fog and dry off the field. Meanwhile, the kids ate their lunches while the 8th grade played a game of kickball against the teachers. I lost count of how many times the 8th graders scored on the teachers. Still, it was a fun game to watch!
After a day of exercise and fun, Whit and I hurried home to pack up and head to the convention in Colorado Springs. Even though Field Day 2008 was over, our family was still "on the run"!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What does" Doo-Whop do-wahhhh" spell????

Answer: A 50's Spring Concert for Whitley

For someone who didn't want to do this and then gave me a few hours to whip something up with only materials from home, she sure knew how to ham it up! She was truly stepping on her mother's blue suede shoes hours before the concert.
It ended up be a really fun evening and the kids put on a nice concert!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Rollercoaster: Weather, Schedule, Emotions

WEATHER: Slush, puddles of water, and SNOW, lots of it! This is the fourth time in a month that the weather has went from an 80 plus degree day to below freezing with snow. All my beautiful floral hanging baskets swere stiff with cold and flocked with nature's powder,my patio cushions were still on the chairs, my annuals were beaming with colorful smiles from their assigned seats, and now, the earth, or atleast my house anyway, is once again covered with snow! This time though, it's depressing. I don't want to put my flip flops back in the closet or dig out my snow boots and ski coats. Iwas truly ready for nice, warm weather!

SCHEDULE: Spending 2 hours to shovel my drive always throws a kink in my schedule. The snow blower is impossible with the wet, spring snows; it clogs it up like a snow cone maker! I have been busy today filling out scholarship paperwork. However, one scholarship wants to know my schedule for Spring 09 so that took a little thinking; I thought I was doing good just having my summer and fall schedule done! In between, the washer spins, the brownies bake and I need to come up with a 50's outfit for Whit's Spring concert in the next 5 hours. Hmmmm.

I just completed my online registration for the state convention and congressional assembly this Friday & Saturday. I made my reservations a few days ago and we are staying at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. John & Whit are along for the ride and will be sure to enjoy the sites and indoor pool.

I am touching up some paint today and we plan to move back in to our bedroom tonight; we are excited to get the house back in order and have some free time to enjoy ourselves!

This is my full work week and this Friday is supposed to be Field Day at school...uhummm, providing this SNOW melts!!! I did hear it supposed to be 80 by Sunday again; we'll see.

EMOTIONS: I am very happy as I finished my last exam last night and in good time. It is really a great feeling to accomplish and overcome something hard!

This year I made some new discoveries about myself and I am surprised to learn how much I love Math, Chemistry and Botany. I took a recent profiling test and it said Pharmacology would be great for me. Hmmm...that would only leave me 5 years of school to finish a doctorate vs. 8 more for anesthesiology. Time wise it is tempting, but I dread "retail" and worry if I would get enough hands time on helping people to really be satisfied. I have 1 more year before I really need to decide, so hopefully,by then, I'll know exactly which direction I want to go in!

I am excited about the convention but admit I have some intrepidation about hate crimes occuring. I pray for safety and a positive learning experience over the weekend.

Well, I guess I need to go arrange some more snow so I'll ramble on another day!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother's Day Gifts

This is painted pansy plaque Whitley made for me
Here is Cameron, Taylor, Kendall & Whitley

And little Kendall riding the American girl horse!

May 4, 2008 has been a good Mother's Day. I was given an acrylic painting that Whitley did of a purple and yellow pansy. She did a beautiful job on it! At the top, the words graced the picture M-O-M.
Around noon, I received a visit from my foster daughter! She looked so cute with her little peach dress and 2 boxes of gift wrapped candies for me!
The kids always have a blast up here playing together and running around. Whitley thoughfully set out a horse that her American girl rides for Kendall to play with. Kendall thought it was sturdy enough to ride on and we snapped a picture of her so doing. We snapped a few pictures of the kids as well and it is amazing to see how much they all look alike!
Anyway, John & Whitley are cleaning for me tonight and I'll wind the evening down with more studying! I hope your Mother's Day was just as nice!

Quotes of Motherhood

"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." -- Lin Yutang

"Mothers reflect God's loving presence on earth."-- William R. Webb

The death of a mother is the first sorrow wept without her.--Author Unknown

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.--Theodore M. Hesburgh

A photograph never grows old. You and I change, people change all through the months and years, but a photograph always remains the same. How nice to look at a photograph of mother or father taken many years ago. You see them as you remember them. But as people live on, they change completely. That is why I think a photograph can be kind.--Albert Einstein

When I was a child, my mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general. If you become a monk you'll end up as the pope.' Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.--Picasso

Yes, Mother. I can see you are flawed. You have not hidden it. That is your greatest gift to me.--Alice Walker

A mother's love's a blessing, no matter where you roamKeep her while she's living, you'll miss her when she's goneLove her as in childhood, though feeble, old and greyFor you'll never miss a mother's love, till she's buried beneath the clay.Thomas P. Keenan

Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, May 10, 2008


We are down to painting the trim in the master bedroom. The wall straight ahead on the top picture is new. It used to sit further back and had 4 bypass sliding doors that were for the closet. By pulling out the wall 18 inches we now have a walk-in closet that is directly across the open doorway of the bathroom that you see in the back corner. We also gained a linen closet as well. And now the new wall is long enough for a king sized bed (as previously described).

Other Homestretch Happenings:

For Whitley:19 days of school left, with lots of fun days in between. Last week they had safety day at school and she got a new bike helmet for summer, and she went to see FLAPPER the musical. This week there is Teacher Appreciation Day on Monday, Spring Concert on Tues. and Field Day all day Friday.

For John: This will be the last "weekend" he will spend on the remodeling in our house. He has a full-time "helper" starting this Tuesday, because his dear wife will be finished with the semester and can devote even more time to helping. We plan to shampoo carpets on Wednesday and move back in our room. He has this coming Saturday and Sunday off: 1) to watch Whit as Jamie goes to the State & Congressional Assembly 2) We are standing up with our foster daugther and her family for her baptism this Sunday.

For Jamie: Studying tomorrow and all day Monday. My last final exam starts at 6pm (Mon. eve.) and goes to 9:30 pm. It is my most difficult exam so I will be glad to have this behind me. I am glad to help John finish up the room and get back in it. I'm excited for more days to volunteer at school. I am doing the bake sale and spring concert Tuesday and helping with Field Day on Friday.

Like most of you, there are lots of graduations, weddings and end-of -the-year events to go to in May & June. It's amazing how fast time goes by and how quickly young children grow into men and women!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Clothespins + Lots of Blankets + Chairs =

A Tent! Here's their day's labor.... And here's to a good nights rest ....minus the one who still has yet to fall asleep.
Oh, and even their faithful watchdog Goosebumps has a place too! Old Goosebumps...2 ft. long with 4 inch legs...be afraid, be very afraid!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Answered Prayer

When I was a child, I was taught that when we pray, God can answer us in three ways: YES, NO or WAIT. Then, when I was in my twenties, one of my devotional calendars defined God's answers as : YES, WAIT and instead of NO (which can sound negative), the answer was I HAVE SOMETHING BETTER IN MIND.

Amazingly, because HE IS GOD, many of my prayers have been answered to the "I have something better in mind". I am in awe of how often I ask amist and the way God answers, ends up being better than I could have imagined.

For four years, I have prayed that God would send Whitley a good friend. I friend that would love her unconditionally, that would have high moral standards and that would encourage and edify her. Year after year, I waited and the answer seemed like a NO.

A few months ago, we learned that we have new neighbors. I got excited thinking, "Could this be the girl I've been praying for as a friend for Whit?" Well, I quickly learned that the new neighbors had 3 little boys. However, a few weeks later, the same neighbor called me back and said, "I don't know how this information got mixed up, but the new neighbors I told you about, have a little girl who is going to be 10! They are a strong church family and I was wondering if I could host a tea so you could meet them?"

Uhhh, let me think....YAHHHH!!!!!

Well, that was nearly 5 weeks ago, and since then, Whitley and Rachel have become good friends. They play really well together. The bonus is, that Rachel's Mom and I have become good friends as well! Although Amy (the mom) was born in raised here in CO, she attended Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL) the same time I attended ONU (Kankakee, IL). We are the same age and so we really identify as cohorts of the same generation and of the same faith.

Tonight, we visited by phone for a few hours and I shared with her how I was struggling as a parent, that I wrestled with pride and had really been in a valley for over a year now. Lo and behold, she understood perfectly! About 4 years ago, she went through the same valley and wrestled with the same issues. Now she has overcome those challenges by receiving God's grace, mercy, strength and LOVE. She clothes herself in these gifts instead of guilt, shame and self inflicted punishment. In fact, she has come so far, that she has a vengeance of praying against the Enemy of our souls, who robbed her (and I) of so many years of enjoying God's love and goodness. She delighted in praying for me, her compassion and empathy was great, because she has truly "been there". She prayed messages of God's goodness for me like: "I am a much loved child.", and for strength and help to "Renew a right spirit within me."

In those 4 years that my prayers for Whitley seemed like a "wait", or a "NO", there truly was "something better in mind" going on. He was working on my new friend Amy, so that by the time she moved here, she could be of help and instruction to me! The most amazing thing is that here I was praying for Whitley to have a friend, and in the end, we received a double blessing, not because we deserved it, but because He "had something better in mind", which was really a lesson not just about patience, but about GRACE!

Thank you God for finding favor on our request and "Saying NO to the GOOD, so we can have YOUR BEST!"

Sunday, May 4, 2008


It has been very busy this week and there has been no time for pictures. We have been in the throes of parenting a "tween" and doing some spring cleaning!

The weekend was very full: loads of laundry, raking an acre of pine needles, cleaning out flower beds, sweeping the drive and patios, painted the new master b-room and closet, purchased trim and finishing materials, studying for finals, planting annuals and mulching flower beds, updating our blog and sweeping out the garage.

Next weekend, we are in for much of the same: We need to shampoo carpets and areas rugs, wash and clean draperies, vacuum and oil the ledge, wash windows (sounds easy but many are 25 ft. in the air), wash down all basemoulding and hardwood floors, wash upohlstery on the love seats and move back into our bedroom!

Finals are all this week and one next Monday night and off for three weeks until summer classes start.

Probably no posts until after the 12th. We'll ramble on then!