Saturday, December 27, 2008

In Search of Post Christmas Sales at the Mall

Like many people, our family headed the mall in search of deeply discounted savings the day after Christmas.... and we did find some great sales!!
Whitley found yet another coat for $30, a new wallet, bling for her IPOD, earbuds, sweater and leggings with her Christmas money, and plenty left over.

Here I am taking a break on a comfy chair while the others hit some great bargains! Marv found a $260 down coat for $54, some size 15 shoes for his son Derek for $50 (a good deal I'm told). My Mom got a suede leather coat at Wilsons for $30 and 4 cases of dishes at the Corelle outlet store for 1/2 price. John found a new leather wallet at Wilsons leather for $7 and new gym bag at Colorado luggage for $14. I did find some foot cream (to keep heels from cracking) for $10. I almost purchased a suede leather jacket at Wilsons for $31, but it was 1 size to big.

Marvin's favorite saying completed our day of shopping as he passed this store window!

1 comment:

The Samuels Family said...