Thursday, December 11, 2008

12 Hours to go!

I know I talk about school constantly, but it really is consuming! Last night, we met at 5pm for one last study group. We closed the place down at 9 pm and two of us, drove to yet another Starbucks that is open all night. We left there about midnight. Today I slept in and let John get Whitley around for school. I spent the day going over my notes and preparing a 3x5 notecard for the final. Thanks to technology, I am able to get a TON of info. on my card because I typed all my notes on the word processor in a size 5 font! This should help alot and I feel well prepared for the exam as well. In just 12 hours, I will be well on my way to finishing up my last exam and I couldn't be happier!

I plan to "veg" this weekend. I may start going back to the gym if I'm feeling motivated...heaven knows I need to! I have some Christmas gifts to wrap and I need to start getting some housework done before company arrives. Monday I need to work, as I canceled my normal work day (which was today) to prepare for my final. Tues-Thurs I plan to do some grocery shopping and baking and Friday I work at Whit's school. Whitley will be getting out for her break that day too! Then sat or Sunday my Mom & Marv will be arriving! WOW! Where did the year disappear to?

Well, I am heading to bed so I can be rested and prepared for tomorrow. Take Care!

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