Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Fox and the Hound

As I've shared before, our yard is like an animal crossing. On any given day you can spot elk, black bear, mountain lions, foxes, birds, raptors, voles, rabbits and the list goes on!

About 6 months ago, we were coming home late at night and our headlights caught the most unusual sight! A red fox and A coyote? A wolf?

The answer was a fox..., a GreyFox! But this grey fox was almost black, not red and a hint of grey, like you see in field guides.

The Grey Fox has become like a neighborhood pet. A few months ago he introduced us to his lady friend who is equally grey but has a white tip on her tail! Genetics is so fascinating! Anyway, my neighbor Bud, feeds the foxes frozen chicken strips and we throw out the heels of our bread loaves to them. They come like clock-work for their supplements and they are not longer skiddish when they see us. The other day, I beheld the funniest sight. I am so sad that I did not have my camera handy. Here were three foxes and Goosebumps, our Dachshund, running in circles around the house!!! At first, I thought they were setting up Goosebumps to turn on her and eat her for dinner, but they didn't, they just ran round and round, like they were filming a Disney movie! Perhaps someone, long before me, had this visual that inspired them to produce, THE FOX AND THE HOUND! Regardless, I for one, found this version, quite entertaining! Although I was not able to film the great chase, my neighbor did manage to get our Grey Fox to pose for the wonderful shot up above. Hope you enjoy!

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