Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another Snip to the Apron Strings

She's packed and off and running, AGAIN! A year ago, this was a big deal, but this year she is ready to tears, no anxiety, and if the truth be known, she's probably excited to break away from us for a week.
The Middle School kids will be heading up to Granby,CO for a week of fun, team-building and educational studies. They will be doing activities like horseback riding, swimming and some community service projects as well!
We're amazed at how quickly Whit is growing up and how independant she is becoming. In just 9 more months, she will be taking her biggest trip yet Sea Camp for marine biological studies. While there, she will do lab work with whales, dolphins, squid, octopus and a variety of marine life on Catalina Island. From there, she will snorkel and venture off the coast of Mexico for more inter-coastal exploration! All of this, without Mom and Dad!
The steps are so gradual through the years: the first time you can leave them alone in the yard unattended, the first time they can cross the road by themselves, or ride their bikes alone around the block and now trips out of the state/country with her school! Like it or not, the days come and they tug to break away.
They say that the lacerations that tear are prone to infection and disfigured healing, but the nice clean cuts heal the best. With that in mind, I decided I'll sharpen my Fiskars and add another snip to the apron strings. It is bittersweet, but I can clearly see that she is ready. All I have left to say is, "Look out world; here she comes!!!!"

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