Friday, August 29, 2008

Crossroads Bulldog Backers

We couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening. The sun slowly sank down behind the beautiful Rocky Mountains and a gentle breeze floated across the stadium. The thermometer read a comfortable 78 degrees and at precisely 7 pm, the referee blew the whistle for kickoff!

As you looked across the field to the opposing team, only a few faithful parents were there to cheer their kids on. Our side would have looked much the same , but recently our church felt led to support a local high school. Together, we had Bulldog Backer T-shirts made and rallied 500 people from our parish to cheer the Arvada Bulldogs on! Our side was a sea of red!

But we didn't stop there. We raised $12,000 in two weeks to buy them new uniforms for the first time in 15 years, we purchased new basketballs for the girls' team, we donated backpacks and supplies for over 60 students and over 140 people signed up to tutor kids at the high school.

Why? Because sometimes the mission field starts at home. This football team had not won a game in two years, attendance was at nearly zero, their uniforms were mismatched and it seemed that no one cared.

The church is called to be a city that shines on a hill, to be a light in dark times, and with the economy, it does seem dark indeed. We are to model Christ's love and be a father to the fatherless. We decided that this was an opportunity for God's love to shine, to love the unloveable, the undesired, and so......,

we drove,

and cheered,

and clapped

and encouraged

kids we had never met before.

And guess what happened????




Thursday, August 28, 2008

Answer to the Mystery Object

Much to my relief, the local fire department honored my calm, cool, collected phone call and did not arrive with all the "bells and whistles". The Fire Marshall put on safety gloves, examined te device posted yesterday and gave his verdict:

The odd item lying in my backyard is a "pipe tester' used to test a 4 inch diameter pipe for leaks. The projection at the end of the object is an air nozzle that allows the bulbous part of the device to be inflated and/or deflated with air.

The tester is placed inside a pipe, inflated, the pipe is filled with water and is then observed for leaks. After the test is complete, the device is deflated and removed.

How it made it into our back yard is beyond me, but it has been removed, placed in the trash and the "all clear" signal has been given.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What is It??????

This morning I let the dog out and noticed this unusual sight lying in the yard.
I have a nitch for identifying body parts but this sort of thing is out of my realm and my husband, who is a mechanic, is not here to settle the question.
What is it?
Is it space junk that fell from the sky?
Is it a tractor part from neighbor's tractor?
Or is it a bomb? With that thought circling my mind, I decided not to touch it and either call the police to look at it or let John look at it when he gets home from work.
Take a guess in the comment section and I'll let you know, if/when we find out.

Hitting the Books Again

What can $700 buy today?

Here are some ideas:

4 weeks worth of groceries for a family of 3,

2 airline tickets from Colorado to Pennsylvania with a 10 day notice,

6 tanks of gas if you drive an Escalade,

a small flat screen TV on sale (minus the cable bill),

the annual salary of 3 people in Ethiopia,

the cost to build 1/10 of a church in the mission fields


in the United States of America, this is what it cost for JUST THE TEXTBOOKS to attend THREE CLASSES at a COMMUNITY COLLEGE!!! THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE TUITION!!!

Is it any wonder that the disparity between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger each day?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Someone's Birthday List

71 days from now, someone has a birthday. That someone could be anyone under 16, 18 0r 21 but probably not anyone over 22! After 21, most of us like to "forget" our birthdays until dementia takes care of it for us, and we actually do forget!

I found an anonymous "Birthday Wish List" by my computer this evening. I wonder who could have written it?

The first wish on the list ELEMENT SK8 Board. (Hmmm....Is John's inner child thrill seeking?)

Next, SIMS 2: University, Free Time, Pets, Apartment Life (any or all) (Or is this something on Jamie's supplemental college list?)

Third, HOT DIGGITY DOGS. They are little resin collectible dachshunds that are in a variety of costumes and are very cute. (Did Goosebumps leave the birthday wish list?)

and last on the list...., $MONEY$ to buy a laptop.

Hmmmm..who could this someone be???? One does have to wonder who this someone is because you all know that Jamie is 20 and John is 21, and my step-mom is eternally 39!!! (right Val?)

As I glance at the calendar I see that August is nearly over and November is just two months away. I conclude that John has his computer and I have mine and finally deduce that our soon-to-be 12-year-old is dropping us a "subtle" hint.

Ahhh, thank goodness for birthday lists. I was beginning to fear that I was actually going to have to turn 22 this year!

Another Snip to the Apron Strings

She's packed and off and running, AGAIN! A year ago, this was a big deal, but this year she is ready to tears, no anxiety, and if the truth be known, she's probably excited to break away from us for a week.
The Middle School kids will be heading up to Granby,CO for a week of fun, team-building and educational studies. They will be doing activities like horseback riding, swimming and some community service projects as well!
We're amazed at how quickly Whit is growing up and how independant she is becoming. In just 9 more months, she will be taking her biggest trip yet Sea Camp for marine biological studies. While there, she will do lab work with whales, dolphins, squid, octopus and a variety of marine life on Catalina Island. From there, she will snorkel and venture off the coast of Mexico for more inter-coastal exploration! All of this, without Mom and Dad!
The steps are so gradual through the years: the first time you can leave them alone in the yard unattended, the first time they can cross the road by themselves, or ride their bikes alone around the block and now trips out of the state/country with her school! Like it or not, the days come and they tug to break away.
They say that the lacerations that tear are prone to infection and disfigured healing, but the nice clean cuts heal the best. With that in mind, I decided I'll sharpen my Fiskars and add another snip to the apron strings. It is bittersweet, but I can clearly see that she is ready. All I have left to say is, "Look out world; here she comes!!!!"

The Fox and the Hound

As I've shared before, our yard is like an animal crossing. On any given day you can spot elk, black bear, mountain lions, foxes, birds, raptors, voles, rabbits and the list goes on!

About 6 months ago, we were coming home late at night and our headlights caught the most unusual sight! A red fox and A coyote? A wolf?

The answer was a fox..., a GreyFox! But this grey fox was almost black, not red and a hint of grey, like you see in field guides.

The Grey Fox has become like a neighborhood pet. A few months ago he introduced us to his lady friend who is equally grey but has a white tip on her tail! Genetics is so fascinating! Anyway, my neighbor Bud, feeds the foxes frozen chicken strips and we throw out the heels of our bread loaves to them. They come like clock-work for their supplements and they are not longer skiddish when they see us. The other day, I beheld the funniest sight. I am so sad that I did not have my camera handy. Here were three foxes and Goosebumps, our Dachshund, running in circles around the house!!! At first, I thought they were setting up Goosebumps to turn on her and eat her for dinner, but they didn't, they just ran round and round, like they were filming a Disney movie! Perhaps someone, long before me, had this visual that inspired them to produce, THE FOX AND THE HOUND! Regardless, I for one, found this version, quite entertaining! Although I was not able to film the great chase, my neighbor did manage to get our Grey Fox to pose for the wonderful shot up above. Hope you enjoy!

It Takes a Village

Last semester, I once again enrolled in an Honors Biology class. A requirement for the course was to do a thesis on anything related to Botany or Natural Selection.

In light of the devastating beetle kill to both Colorado and Canadian forests, I decided to study the Lodgepole Pine infestation.

Aside from the research, I was also required to perform 30 hours of community service related to the project. I fulfilled this requirement by setting up collection cans throughout the community to raise money to purchase fire resistant trees that would begin a reforestation program for Colorado. In truth, I was overwhelmed by the workload and knew that this was bigger than one person; it was going to take somnething bigger than me!

The eight little collection cans raised a humble $99.45; not bad for loose change over a few weeks time! But the miracle began to occur like it did with the story of the "fishes and loaves" and before I knew it, Whitley's school was involved, the YMCA of the Rockies and then the US Forest Service!

The catalyst that started exponential change is when I learned that Whitley's school was taking a trip to the YMCA of the Rockies the second week of school. I heard that their science teacher, Mr. Bryant, wanted to do something related to the Lodgepole pine beetle. So, I got with him, explained that I had just done some research on this and could I help?

"Could I help!", he exclaimed. The school trip had been put together in a matter of days as a trip normally taken later in the year, had been changed. He had been trying to get resources pulled together, but knew they would not arrive in time. My work was an answered prayer!

In turn, Mr. Bryant was my answered prayer as I was in need of utilizing this money and completing my community service hours. Mr. Bryant had a lead on wholesale trees and estimated he would be able to purchase not a hundred, but one thousand trees with our humble change!!! WOW!!! I could hardly believe it! So, I wrote a check to the YMCA of the Rockies, which coincidentally sits right next to the US Reforestation Grid in Granby, CO!!!! Mr. Bryant and the school plan to pass on the funds, where the trees will then be purchased and 1,000 new trees will then be replanted at this beautiful facility that has provided healthy activities, both physically and spiritually, for almost a century!

In a day and age where the value of the dollar is shrinking, who would think that a bunch of pennies could make a difference? In truth, it probably wouldn't, but with God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Truly, it takes Him and a village!

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Poem for my Mother-In-Law

You became my other mother, the day I wed your son,

And I just want to thank you Mom for the lovely things you have done.

You raised in love the gracious man , with whom I share my life,

You are his lovely mother, and I his lucky wife.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lazy Daisies

After a record stretch of 52 days over 90 degrees and a new high record of 105 degrees, Denver has finally cooled off and has been receiving some much needed rain!

Tonight however, the weather is supposed to turn even cooler and tomorrow the high is 42 degrees! There is even a chance of snow for the higher elevations (above 10K ft.)!

My last set of annuals (white shasta daisies) bloomed last week, Whitley has 4 days of summer break left, the first school meeting was tonight and tomorrow I take Whit to middle school to meet her advisor and to arrange her locker. I start back to school on the 25th and from there, I would say we are off and running for another action packed 9 months.

It's hard to believe that there are only 4 more "lazy daisies" of summer.

Putting the ZZZZZZZ's in ZEBRA

Well, our case of the missing zebra has been solved! Today, it magically arrived by UPS along with the beaded curtain we purchased to finish Whitley's closet. The zebra has been caught, the project is done and we can all catch some ZZZZZ's!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pray for our Military

The war in Iraq had raged for many years now. At the start of the conflict, I must admit that I did not know of anyone personally, who was serving in the war. The closet person I could connect with was my cousin Morris Blakey (my Dad's nephew/A. Joyce & U. Pork/wife Amy and 3 precious children), who served in the first Desert Storm in 1990, as a Special Force Marine.

In this war, over 4,100 US military have lost their lives and the armed forces are scrambling to fill those vacancies.

Another "Blakey", Nick (my Cousin Grant's son) will soon be deployed to the desert. We have also learned that my cousin Randy Joe Nichols (my late great A. Ruth's and U. Nick's son/wife Heather and kids), who has been with the National Guard for over 20 years, is being deployed to Afghanistan.

I pray for all the people who have caught in the middle of this awful conflict and specifically today for Nick, Randy and their families.

I also pray for those who are wounded, who are grieving the loss of loved ones, and for those who deal with the mental anguish and post traumatic stress of war. May God wrap His loving arms around each one of these souls and may all be comforted, healed and protected.

God bless each one of you, including your families, for your sacrifice!

2008 Miss World Festival Queen

There are some things that stay in a family; Granny's cookie jar, Aunt Ruth's recipe for snickerdoodles, old photos, a quilt and the like.
Another part of the legacy I find interesting, is that we have another "queen" in the family tree. In 1988, I was crowned Miss Stark County Queen and here, 20 years later, a new family member takes reign! My cousin, Jordan Milroy (my step-mom's niece) was crowned the 2008 World Festival Queen.

The picture shows her calling her friend on her cell phone. Her friend was the person who encouraged her to do the pageant in the first place.

Jordan is 16 years old and will be a Senior this year year. She is President of her class and part of the National Honor Society. Her parents are Shane & Jill Milroy.

Congratulations Jordan!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The Case of the Missing Zebra

This is Whitley's new room (minus the zebra bedding). We had a lot of fun recycling items from our house to give her a new look. The night stand belonged to John & I's bedroom set; we painted it white and the hardware silver. The lamp she had from before, but I used fabric paint to paint the lamp shade black. The bed frame we used for guests and I simply made a bed skirt and tacked it around the perimeter. The headboard we made for $50. We cut down wafer board to size, I used the memory foam from her old twin bed and then covered in white faux leather and accented it with 8 buttons. The little mirrors I used on my 10th anniversary under candles, so I used some double stick tape to attach them.
This is what we call "Fish Art". For $4o we purchased a board, three fish bowls, 3 betas, black rock, plants and then made the shelves for them to sit on. The wicker chair in the background I had for 12 year so we painted it white and dyed the cushion black. We still need a hot pink accent pillow. Not pictured is her desk we got FREE off of Craigslist last year, and we changed the paint from antique white to pure white and painted the handles silver too.

Calling all detectives and mystery sleuths! This is as close as it gets to being a Nancy Drew or Sherlock Holmes. It seems that our zebra bedding is MISSING!
I called the company today in California and they have no clue what has happened. There is no tracking number, yet our order is still in the system...., and has been for two weeks.
The customer service representatives said at best she could reorder and they would arrive sometime after the 18th. (sigh)
So, in the meantime, all you clue-searching-sleuths can be on the look-out for a zebra striped, queen sized duvet cover and two pillow shams!
This could be your opportunity to convince your spouse that you need that trip to South Africa or exotic vacation you been dreaming of, while being a vital part in.....,

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tutti Frutti Wall meets Cool Quirky Closet

After three days, Whitley's room is now painted: three crisp white walls accented by an accent wall with a paint color called "Tutti Frutti" and one cool, quirky closet! The closet is finally so organized that we are wondering if we should put the door back on?
Tomorrow, the frame of her bed goes in, while we still wait for the zany zebra striped duvet cover and shams to arrive via UPS. The to-do list still includes painting an old night stand white, making a white faux-leather upholstered headboard, sewing a bed skirt and valance and spray painting these metal do-thingys (that she hangs pictures on w/ magnets), black!
It has been interesting watching her sort through 12 years of "stuff" that she arranged into four distinct piles titled: 1- Baby-ish-stuff-going-to-Goodwill 2-Things-to-keep-in-the-new-room 3- Memory-things-to-put-away-in-a-safe-spot and of course, 4-Garbage! It was fun looking at special tiny baby outfits that we saved, an old lullaby CD, vacation souvenirs, special items grandparents have given her and even a collection of rocks (yes, as in geological fragments).
I still am feeling great, although I feel a little worn out as I post this blog entry so I will probably take tomorrow off and get back to doing my part on Tuesday before I turn into a Tutti Frutti patient who has overdone it! Ta-ta for now!

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Good Patient and the 102 Degree Temperature

This is Whit & the closet that needs finished in the background This is the drywall patch John has put in place and now they are priming the walls for white paint


Are you joking???

Well yes...,

and no.

I am being a very good patient, but my thermometer reads 102 degrees today. However, I am not talking about the thermometer you put in my ear, but rather, the thermometer outside.

So here we are at home, ceiling fans swirling on high and the sounds of an old Amy Grant CD floating through the hot, balmy air.

I have spent the day writing thank you and e-mailing and John and Whit have started the project in Whitley's room.

You are probably thinking we never sit still, and in truth, your thinking is correct. We do enjoy putting around the house and we especially enjoy the projects that are low budget and only last a day or two. This project started because Whitley has never had a finished closet so it high time, (now that she is wearing a size 2/3 women's pants), to do so! We sold her twin beds as she has been wanting a queen sized and we were wanting a matress upgrade. We also needed to patch a whole in the wall where John installed a ceiling fan/overhead light earlier this summer and so she lucks out and gets new paint as well. I'm planning to make her an upholstered button pleated headboard as soon as I get to lift a little more than my present restriction allows. She plans to get a black and white zebra stripped comforter that will accent her one hot pink wall color entitled "Tutti Frutti" and the rest of the walls are white. It seems like a fitting choice for a girl who loves animals and modern decor!

I truly feel this is the last project for quite some time. It is hard to believe that we are beyond sunshine yellow walls, picket fences and flowers and we have now reached a mature bedroom. I so enjoyed that time doing her room for her but it is just as nice to see her personality shine through as well. When it is all done, and I am all healed, it will be just what the doctor ordered!