Sunday, July 20, 2008


Well, the long awaited day in July has come! Yesterday I received, via mail, the congratulatory news of a full scholarship for the entire 2008-2009 school year!

Long ago, back in late February, early April, I had to compose a 900 word essay. I know, you're all laughing, knowing that a 900 word essay would be a piece of cake, since you all know how much I like to talk!! Truly that was the easy part and the rest was the waiting. I was surprised to see that the majority of scholarships were given on the basis of need, but that there were only a few that were given on merit.

With God all things are possible, even when things seem improbable, and I am grateful to be awarded THE BARBER FAMILY FOUNDATION MERIT SCHOLARSHIP. With all the competition, there are certainly a lot of deserving and qualified students who were equivocally deserving of this gift, so I just feel very humbled and blessed to be the recipient of such a generous scholarship!

My thanks go to Mr. & Mrs. Barber, who created this scholarship in 1994. Their daughter Cathy, was a graduate from the school I am presently attending. Mr. Barber has been on the RRCC Foundation Board of Directors since 1996. He is an accomplished wildlife photographer and a world class glider pilot. He and his wife are strong proponents of education and wish to give RRCC students the opportunity to pursue their educational goals.

I am excited to meet this family and express my personal thanks to them! In the interim, the foundation gave all recipients the donors' addresses so that we can begin our relationship with a deserving letter of thanks!

It is easy for me, at times, to get dismayed about the economy and wrapped up in all the negative news events, but today I have been reminded that it's never to late in life, even being thirty something, to reach our dreams! Truly, America is still a great land of opportunity! With some dedication, hard work and folks like the Barber's, success is more attainable!

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