Monday, June 16, 2008


There are 7 Fathers in my life that have made an imprint. Today is the day I get to acknowledge and thank each one of them.

I'll start with my Grandfathers, both of whom are deceased, and deeply missed. My maternal grandfather Cliff, I called "Grandpa". My fondest memories with him were the magical Christmases they put on for all 21 grandchildren. Special times alone with him was re-filling the birdfeeder and setting out corn for his pet squirrel. On another occassion he showed me how to use a magnifying glass to start a fire. He also taught me about patriotism and gave me money to buy a red poppy on "poppy day" raise money for the charitable events the VFW sponsored. I am thankful he was able to see my wedding as he died the following year.

Next was my Grand-dad Grant. I was so close to this man and spent every wakening moment with him that I could. He taught me how to mow, paint, trim the rose bushes, garden. I went grocey shopping with him, tended to the family's graves and learned how to work a Kodak Disc camera. A favorite thing to do was to take a ride to Princeville for and ice cream and take a look- see at how all the crops were coming along.

My Dad is Mike. He is an extremely gracious and giving man...he is the first on the scene when there is a need. He has plowed snow and helped countless people out of ditches, for free, I might add. He has coached many softball teams and given to his community, which he loves. He probably would be a rich man had he not given away every penny he has made. I enjoy his weekly calls and seeing him as often as possible. It is a treat to watch him love on his grandchildren.

My step-father is Marvin. I admire this man for his fairness and for loving my daughter and my sister's children as if they were his very own grandchildren. He gets right on their level to play with them and they squeal with delight! He has been very gracious to my mother, my sister and I and I thank him for it.

Another man named "Sean", stepped up to be the fabulous daddy of Kendall Elyse. He dotes on her and is a wonderful provider for his family. We are so thankful that his love is big enough to share with us!

My husband John is a wonderful father. He adores his little girl, who is not so little anymore. My daughter will have pages of memories to tell about her Daddy: all the fun times skiing, ice skating, bicycling, swimming, hiking. Whatever they do together, you can be sure it is a great time.

I thank my heavenly Father for his mercy and love for me and mandkind. If not for his patience and unconditional love, I would have been consumed a thousand times over.


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