Monday, June 2, 2008

The Blessing of Friendship

A Blog entry for each of you.........

My Father always told me if I had one good friend I could count on, I was lucky. He said if I had two, I was very fortunate. Well, this week I have felt like a rich man as I have seen and felt just how many people truly love and care for me.

This past year has been a challenge for me as I learn to parent, with my husband, a strong willed tween that is flexing her wings here at home. I am fortunate that I can pour out my heart and seek counsel and advice from so many of you who have already braved the teen years. It is a priviledge to exchange our stories of trials and testing. I feel so much more "human" when I listen to your stories because I look up to each of you.

I have gained much empathy for my parents as I now see how hard it can be to love and parent. It is a priviledge to call my parents, and my mother-in-law, my friends as well. I can't forget my loving aunts and uncles either.

I also have gained a deeper love for my friend and husband, John...a true gift from God!

I can't help but feel fortunate for Valerie T. who takes my calls (well past the 9pm rule) and so graciously gives me her time and counsel...and who also added us to the prayer board at church. We are truly feeling those prayers!!!

To Susan, Leslie, Naomi, Ruth, and Amy..more awesome prayer buddies. To Sonie for always popping in at the right moment with a Starbucks coffee and a listening ear. To Marlene & Elaine who I can always gab with until the battery croaks on the cordless. To Barb & Karen G. who E-mail most faithfully. To Christi who always nurses me back to health when I am really sick or have a surgery, while looking after my girl (Whit).... and to my childhood and lifelong friend Karen K. who is so good about writing a letter or fxing up a really cool care package and mailing it (and keeping my husband in business at the Post Office)! To Kim & Sean C., who allow me and my family to share our love with their daughter Kendall Elyse. There are friends like Terrie, Sarah, Debi, Kelly, Linda & Annie whom I can be real with and pick right up where we left off anytime, anyplace.

Thank you to each of you beautiful women, and men, who love me unconditionally for who I am. Thank you for loving me in spite of my inadequacies and shortcomings. Thank you for your encouragement, your prayers, your stories, your strength and for sharing your lives with me. What can I say when I have not just one, but dozens of people who are beyond an aquaintance, but are true friends that I can always count on. I hope I can be just as worthy of reciprocating the love you have all shared with me.

I am learning to parent, to be patient, to accept my daughter for who she is, to accept myself and God's grace when I fail. Perhaps someday, I will be honored to hear my daughter call me her friend as well. Thank you all again for.....
The Blessing of Friendship!


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