Wednesday, March 19, 2008

18 Hours Until Take Off

Well the weather was near 60 degrees today and tomorrow's forecast is much the same, so a sudden spring blizzard should not be the culprit of an airline delay. God willing, there will be no mechanical failures, etc.

It is 11:25 pm and I am wrapping up loose ends for our trip. Today consisted of running Whit to and from school, going to the bank, the post office, cleaning the house, several loads of laundry, packing, making final arrangements for cleaning coverage, sealing tiles in the bathroom, cooking, going to night class for 4 and a half hours, and now pulling all those last minute things for the trip ie. camera, Goosebump's paperwork/food, etc.

I work all day tomorrow so John will board the dog and pick up Whit. I have two houses to clean and a 15 minute shower to grab before we head out the door.

We are looking fwd. to seeing friends and family, warm weather and few day excursions as well! We hope to get some neat pictures to share with you from our trip. Until then, be well and have a blessed Easter!

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