Sunday, December 9, 2007

Snow, Sniffles & Surprises

In Colorado, we call this kind of snow "powder". It's the kind of snow you get when it is really, really cold and yet it still manages to snow. It's the kind of snow that crunches beneath your tires and falls from the tree tops like glitter when the wind blows. It's the kind of snow that ski resorts and skiers love!!

We didn't fare too badly at the house...just under a foot of the fluffy stuff. However, above 1oK ft. they measured the snow in feet, not inches. Some places received over 5 ft. in 48 hrs.! Now John & Whitley can finally hit the slopes. They practiced on a few hills in the neighborhood last night so she could get the feel of things before they tackle the big runs.

With the cold weather ususally comes the sniffles. Actually, it's probably worse than that but I couldn't think of another word that began with "S". This morning I thought it might be strep and I suppose that would have worked but, that would have been really bad news. Shivers is another word I could have used as I have been running a fever all day and get the shakes if chilled. This is not the weekend to get sick as I am just three nights away from my last exam. It is really hard to think about Mendelian Genetics and ribonucleic acid when I'd rather be curled up under the covers trying to sleep this thing off. Please say a prayer for me that I get through these next few days.

I wanted to end on a positive note with a "surprise". It is probably in some ways better now than later to be sick but atleast I will be well for our trip back home to Illinois. My Dad purchased airlines tickets for Whitley & I to come home for Christmas!!!! This will be the first time in almost 14 years that I have been home on Christmas Day. It has been even longer since my sisters and I have been together as well, so we are all excited. Part of how the years got away from us is that John works at the Post Office and you are not allowed to schedule leave in December, for obvious reasons. Although he has had Christmas Day off over the years, he usually has to work the following day. The Denver Bulk Mail Center does run 24/7/365 so this year decided he would volunteer to work it and take his turn working Christmas Day. The good thing is that Whit & I will be home late Christmas Day to join back up with him and then he has the next couple of days off to spend with us!! It really is a surprise that we are going as I really had not planned on it!

Well, this might be my last blog for awhile, and possibly this year. There is lots to do between now and Christmas. Our new laundry room should be done this week and things back in order by the weekend. The next phase is to move our bedroom to the loft and start demo-ing the master bath and master closet. John wants to take a little break and than go back at it after New Years. It will be nice when it is all done and the dust is settled, literally!

Until then, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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