Thursday, March 26, 2009


Poor John was stuck blowing out the driveway.
Meanwhile, Jamie studied......

Goosebumps and Whitley played.....

...and some overdue filing even got done!!!!!

What do you do when the snow is falling and blowing at a rate of 3 inches per hour?
Hopefully, we all answered, "STAY AT HOME!" However, what we did at home today varied vastly between each of our family members.

Whitley did a little of everything: Played in the snow, read her book and played the computer. Her school was called off very early this morning.

Jamie: For the first time in 30 years classes were cancelled at her school as well. So, she studied for her lab practical that she will be taking tomorrow, filed over a years worth of paperwork and cancelled old credit cards as she carefully reviewed her credit report.
Poor John was left the blowing out the driveway. It was his regularly scheduled day off so in between keeping the drive open, he also squeezed a couple of NETFLIX movies in as well!

WOW! I never knew how productive a snow day could be. It's no wonder we were behind on all these tasks as we have not had a drop of water in three months! Even though, I am ready for Spring, I know that the moisture is greatly needed for our well and forests.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day at the Spa

( : ( : GIRLY NAILS : ) : )

Whitley and I enjoyed a wonderful day pampering ourselves, enjoying each others company and going out to lunch. I was blessed to spend this time with my daughter as I had no homework over the weekend and the weather was great! We had a great time and are exicted for Spring Break to arrive in a two and half more weeks that should afford us a few more outings together. Before we know, summer will be here and we'll have tons of fun in the sun!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


SUNNY D is gross in my opinion...nuttin but sugar water.

But Sunny D, as in , the-sun-is- shining- in-Denver....... is FABULOUS!

Today we reached 74 degrees and tomorrow 75. Days like this are killing me because I have so much homework this week and I would love to go for a long run! I tried to run today after class but only went for 20 minutes as I had not eaten the whole day and had forgotten my purse at home; no purse, no moolah, no food! It was like trying to push a car that was out of gas....simply impossible!

Tomorrow, I am gonna be caloried up and hopefully squeeze a run in..even if I am swamped with work!